Making sustainable high power LED illumination accessible for more people

AAA-LUX is a manufacturer of LED flood lighting for high mast applications. We focus on sport-at-large, sport stadiums and industrial applications such as ports, airports and other 24/7 outdoor applications. With dimmable lighting solutions AAA-LUX customers save on energy consumption, CO2 emissions and maintenance cost.


The company mission is to make sustainable high power LED illumination accessible for more people.  Our LED luminaires have an extreme low weight and windage, which enables the re-use of the existing infrastructure as in masts, cabling and power supply, so no additional investments are needed. Moreover, we believe in the philosophy “light when needed, dimming when possible” or in other words “light only when, where and at the level needed”. This has led to a system approach of luminaires and control equipment.

Development & Production

Head office, development and main production facility is in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, thus being in control over product quality and lead times. Internationally Eindhoven is considered as being ‘the cradle of modern illumination’ and is home to many high-tech companies. The symbiosis with which the regional lighting industry cooperates enables AAA-LUX to continuously draw from vast knowledge and a large talent pool when developing new high-power LED illumination solutions.

In 2009 AAA-LUX was the first in the world to introduce a 1-to-1 LED retrofit solution for conventional sport field luminaires, at several sports fields in Eindhoven that are still in operation today. It gives AAA-LUX the longest track record of all. Since then dozens of world scoops have been introduced. Currently our company has a footprint on 5 continents.