In the Heracles Almelo stadium, outdated gas discharge lamps were used. Over time, more and more of these lamps started to fail. As a club with a strong focus on sustainability, they saw this as the perfect moment to switch to LED lighting. And that’s where we came in!

Meeting UEFA Standards and Slashing Energy Costs

The stadium upgrade included the installation of new LED fixtures in the masts and along the roof edges of Heracles Almelo. We replaced the 144 gas discharge lamps of 2200 watts with 120 of our efficient 1,550-watt LED fixtures. This switch resulted in significant savings, thanks in part to the adjustable settings of our LED lighting. Our fixtures can even be adjusted to meet the KNVB lighting standard, ensuring they meet the 800 lux requirement for professional football matches. The fixtures can also be increased to 1,500 lux to meet UEFA requirements.

The switch to AAA-LUX fixtures offers several benefits. This lighting upgrade has raised the UEFA classification from C to B, allowing the stadium to host European qualifiers and Women’s World Cup and European Championship matches. Additionally, the light quality has significantly improved, while energy costs and consumption have been reduced, making this a more sustainable solution