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ISO 14001 certification: environmental awareness

Our certifications highlight our ongoing efforts to continuously meet the highest standards. We strive not only to exceed the expectations of our customers, but also to minimize the impact of our activities on the environment. ISO 14001 focus on the sustainability processes within our company, something that is a priority at AAA-LUX.

ISO 14001 is the global standard that outlines requirements for an effective environmental management system (EMS). At AAA-LUX, we are certified ISO 14001 thanks to our ability to manage our environmental impacts, comply with regulations, and seize opportunities for improvement in our operations.

As part of the ISO 14000 series, ISO 14001 provides a structured framework for our environmental efforts. Integrating it with other standards like ISO 9001 helps us align our environmental goals with our overall business objectives.

Defined by the Internation al Organization for Standardization (ISO), ISO 14001 helps us:

  • Understand our environmental responsibilities within our organization’s context
  • Lead in environmental sustainability efforts 
  • Plan and implement actions to minimize our environmental footprint
  • Provide necessary support and resources for effective environmental management.
  • Monitor, evaluate, and continually improve our environmental performance.

We are also certified ISO 9001, thanks to our ability to provide top-quality luminaires and services.