You want your tennis court illuminatedin a way that results in a clear visibility on the ball, lines andplayers.AAA-LUX offers that and more: lighting with daylight color temperature making that clear visibilitypossible. A high light uniformity which will increase the comfort of players and audience. High quality LEDluminaires, which can be positioned in a wide variation of mast positions, producing high-performanceillumination. With the AAA-LUX luminaries your tennis club is ready to reach all standards that a local ornational regulation could ask for.

Society is growing, which leads to more housing in the vicinity of sport facilities. This leads to a challenge for tennis clubs. More people come into contact with light spill and there are stricter light spill regulations. The RS technology from AAA-LUX offers a solution. It keeps the light within the targeted zone, while maintaining an optimum uniformity.


Learn how InControl can be implemented in any situation.