BOSA-Subventionsregelung angepasst!

Im Jahr 2020 wird sich das BOSA-Subventionssystem gegenüber 2019 ändern

Das BOSA-Programm (Förderung des Baus und der Instandhaltung von Sportanlagen) subventioniert 20% der Kosten für den Bau oder die Instandhaltung von Sportanlagen. Wenn eine nachhaltige Investition getätigt wird, beispielsweise der Kauf einer AAA-LUX LED-Sportplatzbeleuchtung, haben Sie als Sportverband Anspruch auf einen zusätzlichen Zuschuss von 10%. Im Jahr 2020 erhalten Sie somit insgesamt 30% Zuschuss für Ihre Investition in LED-Beleuchtung!

Wer zuerst kommt, mahlt zuerst!

Für das Jahr 2020 steht ein Gesamtbudget von 80 Mio. EUR für das BOSA-Förderprogramm zur Verfügung. Für jeden Sportverein gibt es die gleichen Chancen, einen Zuschuss innerhalb des Budgets zu beantragen. Es ist jedoch richtig, dass der Verein, der den Antrag zuerst ausfüllt, auch eher die Subvention beantragt. Wenn Sie in LED-Beleuchtung investieren möchten, sollten Sie nicht bis zum Jahresende warten. AAA-LUX hat viel Erfahrung in der Beantragung eines Zuschusses für LED-Sportplatzbeleuchtung. Wir freuen uns, diese Erfahrung mit Ihnen zu teilen! Bitte seien Sie versichert Kontakt Für weitere Informationen oder maßgeschneiderte Beratung.

Höhe der Investition

Um für das BOSA-Programm in Frage zu kommen, muss Ihr Zuschussantrag mindestens 5.000 € enthalten. Bei einer nachhaltigen Investition, die daher den Kauf von LED-Beleuchtung umfasst, entspricht dies 30% der Gesamtinvestition. Diese Mindestinvestition umfasst daher 16.667 €. Die Gesamtinvestition muss innerhalb eines Zeitraums von maximal 12 Monaten erfolgen. Bei Investitionen über 25.000 € werden 80% des Zuschussbetrags im Voraus gezahlt, die restlichen 20% werden nach Fertigstellung zur Verfügung gestellt.


AAA-LUX ist sich der Subventionsregelungen für LED-Beleuchtung voll bewusst und verfügt über viel Erfahrung beim erfolgreichen Ausfüllen von Subventionsanträgen. Wir freuen uns, dieses Wissen mit Ihnen zu teilen. Wenn Sie eine Subvention über das BOSA-System beantragen möchten, ist es am besten, so bald wie möglich Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, da das Subventionsbudget in der Reihenfolge des Eingangs der vollständigen Anträge aufgeteilt ist. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns für Unterstützung bei der Bewerbung oder für maßgeschneiderte Beratung!

Quelle: DUS-I (Subventionen für die Implementierung von Diensten an Institutionen)

Skigebiet Super Besse in Frankreich

Superlight, SuperTeam, SuperBesse

Im vergangenen Winter installierte AAA-LUX France eine neue Beleuchtung im Skigebiet Super Besse – Puy de Sancy in der Abteilung von Puy-de-Dôme in Frankreich. Das Skifahren auf der Piste besteht aus 43 km, verteilt auf 27 Strecken (5 grün, 9 blau, 9 rot und 4 schwarz) zwischen 1300 m und 1840 m Höhe am Südosthang von Puy de Sancy . AAA-LUX beleuchtete drei der Hänge mit einer höheren Farbtemperatur im Vergleich zur vorhandenen Natriumbeleuchtung, um die Sichtbarkeit und Sicherheit auf den Gleisen zu erhöhen. Die Steuerungen sind an einem Ort im Tal zentralisiert.

Neben Super Besse hat AAA-LUX in den letzten Jahren viele weitere Beleuchtungsprojekte für den Wintersport geliefert. Einige Highlights sind Skipisten an der Alpe D’Huez in Frankreich, Saalbach Hinterglemm in Österreich, Skisprungschanze in Seefeld Österreich, Eishockey in Norwegen und ein riesiges Wintersportgebiet in Estland mit Biathlon- und Langlaufstadien sowie langen Skipisten im Wald .

Triple A unter der Sonne

Partnerschaft Lumsport

Die Partnerschaft zwischen LumSport war fast sofortiger Erfolg. Mit ähnlichen Ambitionen, erfolgreich zu werden und Spaß zu haben Leben zur gleichen Zeit, am perfekten Ort.

Seit einigen Jahren wurden Dutzende von Projekten realisiert, hauptsächlich im Fußball. Dieses Video handelt von drei dieser Projekte in der sonnigen Region Barcelona in Katalonien.

Costa Brava

Torrella de Montgri an der Küste der Costa Brava war einer der ersten, der AAA-LUX-Beleuchtung an einem neuen künstlichen Ort einsetzte Feld. Die Unterkunft atmet Qualität, mit Zäunen, einer Sprinkleranlage Installation und Beleuchtungsinstallation, alle brandneu und gut gebaut.


Die Gemeinde La Roca del Vallès hat drei Projekte gleichzeitig mit 40 Leuchten durchgeführt gesamt. Die Projekte, die sich östlich der Stadt Granollers befinden, sind alle angeschlossen an einen zentralen Computer zur Steuerung und Fernüberwachung.


Zu guter Letzt die private Fußballakademie Fundación Marcet in der Stadt Barcelona. Die Akademie hat eine beeindruckende Liste von Fußballspielern und Trainern für die heutige Internationale Fußballmarkt.

Neues Talent

AAA-LUX ist stolz darauf, als Lieferant für ausgewählt zu werden Beleuchten Sie alle Bereiche, um unter den besten Umständen neue Talente zu gewinnen.

Partner Lumsport

LumSport befindet sich in der Stadt Tàrrega, östlich von Lleida in Spanien.

Mehr Informationen:

Video: Erstklassige Einrichtungen in Malaysia

Nächster Schritt gemacht

AAA-LUX ist mit Beleuchtungsserien von Fußballunterkünften in Malaysia auf einem guten Weg. Diese hochrangigen Felder werden an Clubs und einzelne Gruppen vermietet. Nachdem kürzlich ein Pilotprojekt eingerichtet wurde, wurde der nächste Schritt unternommen, um das Ziel zu unterstützen, das Ökosystem des Fußballs in Malaysia voranzutreiben, indem erstklassige Fußballanlagen eingerichtet und „Fußball für die Menschen zugänglicher gemacht werden, um letztendlich durch unseren geliebten gemeinsamen Sport Einheit zu schaffen“. AAA-LUX freut sich und ist dankbar, ein Teil davon zu sein.

Lage Kuala Lumpur

AAA-LUX hat seit einigen Jahren einen Standort in Kuala Lumpur, der Hauptstadt Malaysias. Neben der lokalen Produktion ist es das Vertriebszentrum für Malaysia und die umliegenden Länder. Die Präsenz hat zu einer Reihe von Kooperationen mit nationalen Organisationen geführt. Diese schönen Projekte sind das Ergebnis davon. Es zeigt, wozu wir fähig sind.

Änderung der Einstellung

Shi Chai Chong, Geschäftsführer von AAA-LUX Malaysia: Die Verwendung von stadionähnlichen Mastkonstruktionen ist in dieser Region weit verbreitet. Dies ist das Ergebnis der Verwendung einer hohen Anzahl von preisgünstigen Leuchten mit geringem Stromverbrauch. Für dieses Gewicht und diese Windlast brauchen wir starke Masten. Unser Ziel in dieser Region ist es, die Einstellung zu ändern, weil Sie am Ende mehr für eine bescheidene Lichtqualität ausgeben. Mit AAA-LUX können wesentlich kostengünstigere Masten verwendet werden, was neben der hochwertigen Beleuchtung zu einem niedrigeren Gesamtprojektpreis führt. „Es ist nicht so einfach, diese Kultur zu durchbrechen, aber wir kommen dorthin“, sagt Chong.

Video: Covid-19 update

Sowohl die professionelle als auch die Freizeitsportwelt sind fast zum Erliegen gekommen. Die Olympischen Spiele und die Fußball-Europameisterschaft wurden verschoben. Sportunterkünfte sind vorübergehend geschlossen und Flughäfen und Seehäfen haben den Verkehr reduziert. Während die globalen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung von Covid-19 erhebliche Auswirkungen haben, sympathisiert AAA-LUX mit Kunden und Partnern in allen Sektoren.

In den Fabriken und Büros in den Niederlanden, Malaysia und Australien haben wir alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen ergriffen, um die Gesundheitsrisiken für alle Beteiligten zu minimieren.

Für einige ist es wichtig zu wissen, dass AAA-LUX laufende Aktivitäten unterstützt. Ein großer Teil der Lieferkette ist in Betrieb und AAA-LUX kann LED-Leuchten kurzfristig liefern.

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First GEN6 in the world

First GEN6-project

The AAA-LUX new generation luminaire, GEN6, has been installed for the first time in May 2018. The forecasts are that the GEN6 luminaire will be installed in 200 more projects, spread out over 2018.

Down under in Canberra, Australia, Callwel playing fields have been illuminated with the highest level required for elite games. This is the first GEN6 LED sports lighting installation in the ACT (Australian Capital Territory) after an extensive lighting product review by the ACT government.

AAA-LUX GEN6 and operating system CB2.0 was selected as the preferable product & system for their future sports lighting needs. AAA-LUX met every criteria the government set out. ACT Minister of Sport, Yvette Berry states “whether on professional or social level, this upgrade provides better visibility for both players and the fans that watch from the sidelines”.


Generation 6 is here!

How to get a lead position in top sports…

It’s a genuine success story. In 2009, AAA-LUX, from an office in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, had a worldwide scoop. Within 8 years it gained a lead position in LED Sports Field Lighting. With the introduction of a 6th generation of LED floodlights, the company expects to further expand this position.

Still, people in Eindhoven scratch their heads in amazement. They have taken a prominent position with football clubs in the English Premier League, the German Bundesliga, the Italian A-Series and within the Dutch football world so quickly. Not just limited to football, they have also taken this position within other professional sports, such as the French basketball champions team Asvel, the Roger Federer Tennis Arena or Belgium’s David Cup stadium. These are some examples of top sporting environments in which AAA-LUX is being applied.


Not just a floodlight

The growing popularity of Show Lighting at larger stadiums attracts the attention of the general public. “Of course we do that kind of lighting on a regular basis, but more often we aim our sights on the training facilities. For example, take a look at a club such as Schalke04”, Erik Swennen, AAA-LUX‘ CEO says. “They have a need for better lighting at lower costs, so LED is the solution. We then excel with the ability to use the already existing infrastructure, for example, the existing lighting columns. Typically, LED is heavier and bigger than conventional floodlights, in order to dissipate the heat. However, AAA-LUX in 2009 made the principal choice of designing lightweight and small floodlights. This explains the special shape of the fittings. Not just one large light box, but several spots which together form one spotlight.”

Swennen tells us: “People often really don’t think about it, for them floodlights are something simple. And that is how it should be. However, there are a considerable amount of smart tactics and techniques needed to enable this luminaire in LED. Therein we are a specialist.”


Accessible for the recreational sports.

The above example that is used, is a nice bridge to the recreational sports, because the used

infrastructure – the type and positioning of the lighting columns – is comparable. In every town or village you can find multiple sports accommodations where people practice their sports. Realizing cost reduction in such places is a pure necessity. Sports clubs have to get their budget in order and because their lighting will on average be switched on 400 to 1000 hours a year, this reduction in costs plays a major role.

The investment in LED lighting can be easier when all lighting columns and wiring can be retained. With AAA-LUX’s smart design, their product very often fits perfectly within the technical limitations of the existing infrastructure. AAA-LUX has thus made LED lighting viable for more clubs, including those with a smaller budget. Swennen: “Partly thanks to the good uniformity of the lighting and smart techniques in, for example, the electronics, the control of the floodlights or the limiting of light pollution, ensures that we win many projects.”


Gen6: Keeping ahead of the game.

Other companies worldwide haven’t failed to notice this. There have been multiple attempts at copying the AAA-LUX’s design basics. Therefore, it is important to maintain the lead position. For this reason, AAA-LUX introduces its 6th generation (Gen6). A fixture which is lighter with less wind resistance than ever before. Naturally, it will fit existing lighting columns even better because of the above. Moreover, the spotlight is elegant and yet robust. “It is already called the ‘V8 Engine’ under the LED floodlights”, according to Swennen, referring to the 8 LED modules that form one floodlight. „An obvious comparison if you look at its tough shape. However, that’s not the case in terms of energy consumption of course“


Smart Monitoring

In addition, AAA-LUX is introducing a brand-new operating system, under the name ‘Control Box 2.0’. “Simplicity in installation and use; that is what’s important. But we see many opportunities in offering user convenience. This is expressed through a touchscreen, or app (appropriately named ‘AAApp’), but especially in the way in which the complete lighting system in being monitored“, says Swennen.

Customers get insights into both energy consumption and the technical state of the lighting 24/7. When a fixture slowly gets hotter because, for example, a bird decided to build its nest on it, the system observes it and action can be taken to prevent a fixture from being damaged. Swennen: “The feeling that the lighting system is being monitored is something that is greatly appreciated by our customers.”


Scale size increases

It is undeniable that AAA-LUX is being appreciated, this is evident when we look at their results. They deliver more than 200 projects per year on 5 different continents and these projects are becoming ever more large and striking.

For example, a training complex for the FIFA World Cup or a huge golf course, with a quantity of floodlights with which you could easily illuminate five UEFA Champions League stadiums. Or ski slopes with a comparable size. “The scale is increasing enormously”, says a proud and smiling Swennen.

The new building that was put into use last year is already bursting at the seams. Currently, possibilities to expand are being explored. In addition to lighting sports fields, AAA-LUX also focuses on industrial lighting, also with high and large lighting columns in, for example, ports, airports and large parking lots.

“Things can move forward at a staggering tempo”, Swennen says with a sense of understatement. “And we expect a lot from our 6th generation of AAA-LUX LED floodlights.”

In full control of LED lighting

AAA-LUX introduces a new control system for LED lighting. “Control Box 2.0” is easy to operate and install and has practical diagnostic possibilities.

Ease of use

With the new Control Box there are various possibilities for operations such as via a mobile phone app (AAApp), touchscreen and/or a switchbox. The light can be turned on and off and the light scene can be selected. In addition, it is possible to make software links with management systems or other software packages. The Control Box is also capable of putting current to the luminaire groups. Sensors can also be connected to the device, such as an astronomical clock, should there be a licensing restriction, or a daylight sensor for limiting the time when the light can be used. This ensures that the system only works when necessary or allowed.

Easy installation

The system has standardized software that makes it easy to install. The operation to install and commission the system are limited and the maintenance becomes straightforward thanks to the diagnostic system that indicates the health of the system.

The service page shows relevant technical data of a luminaire in terms of, for example, incoming voltage or temperature. This allows a club and an installer to quickly scan the system if service is advised. AAA-LUX is able to read the system remotely.


The end user can monitor power consumption and see how much energy a field or park has consumed on a certain day, week or month. This helps the club to adjust the use where necessary. For example by protecting the highest light levels by a code or a key.

Professional sports, professional lighting

A professional athlete and a professional sports club always want to achieve maximum performance. When making the most of it and always providing top-level conditions, nothing can be taken for granted. The lighting system in a stadium has to be of top quality and meet all requirements of TV stations and (inter) national sport federations. Providing high quality lighting in the stadium for players, audience and for the people at home. For several years now, AAA-LUX demonstrates that this is possible with LED-lighting.

New requirements lead to a new plan

Many professional sports clubs still use conventional light in their stadium. In a time that developments follow each other in rapid succession, it makes sense that the requirements for optimal lighting also evolves. In many cases the lighting in the stadium has to be upgraded in order to broadcast the matches on HDTV. Therefore more uniform light on the pitch is necessary. This is where, for many sports clubs, the challenge lies.

A proven concept

Light plans in professional sports are more complex than in sport-at-large. There are more requirements and more functionalities. AAA-LUX has developed the WS-STAD LED luminaires that offer a suitable solution. AAA-LUX’s LED fixtures offer so many possibilities for professional sports clubs that the lighting quality standards are met in every situation. AAA-LUX achieve high vertical uniformity for optimal  TV broadcast . The requested results can be achieved with four masts in the corners as well as with the so called ‘Ring of Fire’, meaning LED fixtures all around the pitch from the stadium roof. It’s a proven concept which AAA-LUX successfully has implemented in a dozen stadiums, including the Italian Series A football club SPAL, the basketball champion of France ASVEL Basket and the Spiroudome Charleroi stadium in Belgium.

Champions League level

Since this season the Italian club SPAL plays football in the Italian Series A league. SPAL played in 2014 in the Lega Pro, the third Italian football league, and faced a challenge. The Paolo Mazza Ferrara stadium had to meet the lighting requirements, so TV broadcasters could make high quality TV recordings. If SPAL didn’t succeed, they would have to play their home games in another stadium. AAA-LUX prevented this in a three-step approach. Step 1: In 2014 LED light was established for 500 lux, the requirement of the Series C (Lega Pro) level. Step 2: Because of promotion to Serie B, 800 lux vertical was required. Step 3: Since 2017 SPAL has a lighting level of 2.000 horizontal and 1.650 lux vertical, which allows them to play in the Serie A league. This thanks to the installation of four new light masts of 45 meters high and some fixtures on the main stand roof edge, with around 200 AAA-LUX LED luminaires in total. Stadio Paolo Mazza is equipped for playing Champions League matches as the stadium lighting applies to UEFA level A (elite). According to the engineers of the Italian Series A, who approved the new SPAL lighting plan, better light values are achieved by SPAL than at Juventus, where also LED-lighting is installed. An exceptional achievement if you consider that SPAL, from a light perspective more challenging technical situation – four corner masts compared to the ‘ring of fire’ at Juventus Stadium  reached such a high quality lighting.

The video shows a game against Napoli, where the quality of light is clearly visible.

The (light)show must go on

Basketball club ASVEL Basket in L’Astroballe stadium in Lyon, France, wanted to optimize their lighting plan in order to meet the new needs and lighting requirements of the International Basketball Federation. The basketball champion of France previously used conventional light. Within basketball, it has been a trend for many years to do a lot with show elements and lighting. AAA-LUX offered Asvel LED luminaires with show lighting possibilities. AAA-LUX’s LED luminaires are controlled via a wired connection with standard DALI/DMX controllers for light shows, to enable fast response. As a result the stadium in Lyon is equipped with high quality LED-lighting. Which is good for the players, the audience and the TV recordings. Naturally, it also provides a wonderful show experience.

High uniformity standard

The Spiroudome Charleroi stadium in Belgium is home to basketball club Spirou and the Belgian National Team’s Davis Cup Tennis. Professional sports that have to be provided with professional light. AAA-LUX realized the transition to LED-lighting. Thanks to the AAA-LUX LED luminaires, the light of the Spiroudome meets all the necessary requirements. The light level can be adjusted to the intended use, which is a major advantage. Especially the TV recordings for the Davis Cup Tennis have an extremely high uniformity standard of 2.000 horizontal and 1.500 vertical. It has led to perfect uniform light in the stadium for the TV recordings.

Check the video for the result.

Maintain performance

At this point AAA-LUX is the LED supplier of, among others, the Dutch football club AZ Alkmaar, the German Bundesliga clubs Schalke04 and 1899 Hoffenheim, the Premier League with Huddersfield Town, the Czech Football Federation, Swiss Tennis, the Series A, the World Cup in Qatar, the Danish Alka Superliga with Helsingor Stadium, the FFF in France and several other sports in the world.

AAA-LUX offers the certainty of a high quality LED lighting, providing professional sports clubs to meet all the necessary top-level lighting requirements.